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Make Your Cat Happy With These Helpful Tips.

TIP! Contact local shelters if you want to adopt a cat. Shelters have lots of great cats available, and your adoption fee often covers key veterinary services.

There are a few responsibilities that all cat owner must understand. This article highlights some of information regarding those particular responsibilities. Keep on reading for excellent information on caring for your feline companions.

TIP! Generally, cats love to stay on the counter. Cats enjoy high places so they can see what is happening around them.

Cats enjoy squeezing into any and all small spaces. A breakaway collar will break if it is pulled on it. This will allow your cat to live another day if it gets caught in a tight spot.

Wrap it tightly in an old towel and place it under the cat bed. Change it out every few hours if you like.

TIP! You have to place a litter box correctly. You shouldn't keep it near your pet's food, and you shouldn't keep it in an area people walk through a lot.

Even if she is an inside cat, if it escapes when it's in heat it could get you a bunch of kittens you weren't planning on having. Spaying a cat is the best way to prevent this.

TIP! A cat generally spends quite a bit of time grooming itself. If your cat has hair that's long it could get hairballs.

Be sure your cat has regular checkups at the vet.Cats need routine shots and possibly additional ones as well for vaccinations. Cats need to be seen by a vet right away if they are having any issues.

TIP! It's often cheaper to buy medicine for your cat on the Internet instead of through your vet. When an emergency strikes, however, you may not have the option of buying medications on the Internet.

Cats can have nocturnal than not. The result is that they active during the night. This will reduce the cats away while you're trying to sleep because they wake you up.

TIP! You shouldn't be training your cats for litter box use. This is a natural instinct that cannot be taught.

Cats will often devote most of time grooming themselves. Hairballs are more common for long-haired cats. There are special foods which help combat this problem. Some cat food brands have formulations to prevent or reduce hairballs, and that is a good idea for your cat and you too.

TIP! Brush your pet often. This helps to stimulate blood flow and circulation, and it will also help to evenly distribute the natural oil your cat's fur has.

Be considerate of your cat's ears when you take them on a trip. You may love loud music, for instance: Remember that your cat's hearing is more sensitive than yours. To ensure your cat's trip is pleasant, keep the stereo low - or perhaps off entirely.

TIP! If your cat has a scratching post that is beginning to look worn, don't get rid of it. This is the condition that cats like the most.

Try to figure out the cause if you find your cat makes meowing sounds. After some time, it's easier to interpret its meows. By listening to your cat, you'll understand it more.

Cats enjoy being in high up. You could even place a small bed or blanket at the shelf to make your cat feel more comfortable.

Litter Box

TIP! Long-haired breeds are pretty, but understand how much work they are before you get one. Although it may look nice, it will look much worse when it sheds all over your home.

Don't try and teach the litter box. They will do this by nature and don't need to be taught.Don't try to force your cat into the litter box by rubbing their paws or you will traumatize them.

TIP! Pay attention if you cat does not use the litter box. When cats are suffering from something, they may end up going to the restroom randomly outside of their box.

Brush your cat at regular basis.This will spread all of their natural oils around and help spread the natural oils within their fur while stimulating their skin's blood flow. It also get rid of hair that is loose. This helps to stop hairballs and their stomachs.

TIP! Some foods that you enjoy as a human aren't any good for your cat. Garlic and onions are popular examples.

If adding an additional cat to your home, you need to set aside a couple of weeks where you let the animals get used to being around each other. They may be leery of each other at first and growl when they are in the same room together.

It's important for your cat to get play time.Make sure you have fun with your cat regularly.

TIP! Keep an eye on your cat if he or she is panting. Panting is dogs is normal.

Dogs will wag their tails often to show their happiness or excitement. Cats wag their tail for a different reasons than dogs though. A cat that is flicking its tail when it is upset. If your cat wags his tail while you're holding him, you should put your cat down right away.

Chemicals that have phenol shouldn't be anywhere near your cat. This chemical is often found in cleaning products such as Pine-Sol and certain other regular household cleaners.

TIP! Many cat owners give their cats a bath for grooming purposes. In their ordinary day-to-day lives, though, cats seldom get dirty enough to require bathing.

If you have a cat with frequent hair ball problems, and brushing doesn't seem to be helping to lessen them, the following tips might be useful. Mix in a teaspoon full of pumpkin into your cat's food. You may also use some tuna water to mix with the pumpkin to see if that helps. Some cat foods also contain a component for anti-hairballs, such as fiber, which may resolve the problem.

TIP! Don't let parasites like fleas and ticks attach themselves to your pet. Always use treatments to deter them.

Cat ownership brings many benefits. However, if you're wishing for a good life for your pet, you need to learn to care for it well. Use the information that has been given to you if you plan on having a cat as a pet.

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