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If You Own A Cat, Read This!

TIP! Be sure your cat gets regular checkups at the vet. Your cat should have a health check yearly, but should go in more if your cat needs shots.

Do you own a feline friend? If so, you know how special cats can be. Cats are finicky creatures who need a lot of care and love. This article will provide great cat care for your cat.

TIP! An outdoor cat must always wear a tag on its collar. This can help if your cat becomes lost while wandering in the great outdoors.

Check your local animal shelter if you are thinking about getting a cat. Shelters always have plenty of cats and adoption fees are usually very affordable. Adopting from a cat population.

TIP! Spritz a little bitter apple on electrical cords to protect your cats. If your cat still insists on chewing your cords, try to cover as many of them as possible.

Be sure your cat gets regular vet visits. Cats need routine annual check-ups and wellness checks just like people.Cats should visit the vet right away if they are injuries or health problems that don't go away.

Flea Products

TIP! Do you have both a dog and a cat? Dogs will generally try to eat the cat's food whenever the opportunity comes along. Because of this, you should keep your cat's food in a high spot that your dog won't be able to reach.

Don't try using dog food or products on your cat. Cats can have severe negative reactions when exposed to products designed for a dog. Flea products are one of the worst products to give a great example of this. Your cat may die if you use a dog flea products on it.

TIP! Make sure your cat always wears identification tags on their collar. This is essential, even for indoor pets.

Make sure your cat has a collar and tag if it goes outside. Cats can range far from home and the tag will help them find their way home. The tag should have at least the pet's name and the number for contact purposes.

TIP! If your cat suddenly stops using the litter box, you should take him to the vet. This is likely to be something that should be looked after.

Cats will be up during the night more nocturnal than not. This means their behavior is quite active at night. This will keep them from entering your sleeping space and awakening you.

TIP! Refrain from cleaning or using chemicals in the vicinity of your cat. The chemical is most often found in pine cleaners.

Cats sometimes will spend lots of time grooming themselves. Hairballs are more common for long-haired cats. There are foods you can buy to try to help combat this problem. Some foods have special formula for hairball reduction, and that is a good idea for your cat and you too.

TIP! You should try keeping your cat inside or allowing it to go in the backyard. Studies have shown that cats that live outdoors tend to have shorter lives than cats that stay indoors.

Be considerate of your cat's ears when traveling. You and your cat probably have different ideas about the ideal volume for the car stereo, but cats generally don't enjoy this. To keep your cat calm and collected over the course of your trip, turn off the music or keep the volume low.

TIP! Cats will smell changes around their home. When you offer a new feeding bowl, cat condo, or bedding, your cat may resist.

Try to figure out the cat is purring. After you have coexisted with a pet cat for a long while, you'll start to recognize what some of the noises your cats makes mean. By taking note of your cat's cues, it will be easier to know what they want.

Cats love high up. You can even place a small bed or blanket on the shelf to make your kitty some comfort.

Litter Box

TIP! When you bring a new pet home, your old cat may become upset. It is best to keep the other animal away from your cat at first.

Don't teach your kitty how the basics of using a litter box. This comes quite naturally to them and is not need to be taught. Don't force your cat into the litter box or you will traumatize them.

TIP! While the holidays can seem like a perfect time for your child to get the gift of a cat, it is a very hectic time to be able to give the new cat all the attention he needs. Rather, it makes more sense to take the youngster to select the pet.

Canned food is usually the best option for cats. Dry food is usually cheaper, but there are quite a few benefits to canned food. It's easier for older cats to chew it as well. Speak with the vet, but know that wet food is normally much better for your pet.

TIP! Houseplants are extremely atractive treats when you are a cat. This presents problems, especially if the plant is poisonous.

Your cat should always wear some tags on a collar and ID tag. This is essential even true for indoor cats. Cats are endlessly curious and an open door or window is likely to be explored. This is very critical if your cat has specific medical needs.

TIP! Don't let your cat bite peoples' feet or swat at humans. It may seem cute, but it's not good behavior.

Is cat hair all over every surface in your home? Cats shed a ton, and it helps to brush them. If your cat is shedding too often, you should brush them more frequently. This will also stop their coats from becoming tangled up.

Take your cat for checkups and vaccinations often to make sure he or she is healthy. Your cat needs these periodic checks and parasites.

TIP! Cats may spark allergies even in folks who were unaware that they had them. If you are considering owning a cat, make sure that no one in your household is allergic.

If you have a pregnant cat ready to birth her babies, make sure you provide her a spacious area. The birth of the kittens will take approximately four hours, which means you must exercise patience. If you believe your cat is still giving birth after six hours, take a trip to your vet.

TIP! Keep your old scratching post. While you might see it as an eyesore, your pet may strongly prefer the old one to a new one.

If your cat is spitting up hairballs frequently, and brushing doesn't seem to be helping to lessen them, the following tips might be useful. Mix one teaspoon full of pumpkin into your cat's regular food. You might even want to try to add a teaspoon of tuna water to mix with your pumpkin. There are also cat foods that contain an anti-hairball component, like extra fiber, that may solve the problem.

TIP! When you're planning a trip and your cat can't come along, you may not want to leave your pet home alone. Kennel boarding is not cheap, and your pet could also escape and become lost.

Place a sticky style tape on pieces of furniture. This will prevent your cat stop scratching the furniture. You can even find this specific material at your local pet stores.

TIP! Your cat's bad breath can be a symptom of something worse. The problem might only be able to be solved by professional teeth cleaning.

While you might think that a cat is the ideal holiday gift for your child, it could be too stressful for the cat because of all the chaos going on. Try bringing your kid to a shelter or pet store so that they can choose their pet.

TIP! A responsible cat owner needs to cat proof the home. Cats enjoy getting into things around the house.

Your kitty is a loved member of your family that you'll want to take great care of. Now that you've read this, you should know much more about proper cat care. Try these steps to help your cat live its best life. If you love your cat, you will receive much love back.

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