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How To Best Take Care Of Your Cat

TIP! Make sure you keep all the recommended appointments with your cat's veterinarian. Not only will a veterinarian give a general physical exam, he or she will also make sure they have necessary vaccinations.

A cat is a very complex creature. You may not fully understand their preferences for years after you adopt them. With the proper advice, however, you can ensure that they are safe and cared for--even if they don't realize that you're the boss! This article is your go-to source for pet care information.

TIP! Deter your cat from chewing on inappropriate things by using bitter apple. Most office stores sell a tube that you can stick all of your wires and cords through if the spray doesn't work.

Don't leave drape cords near your cats. Keep the cat away from these cords as they tend to form loops when the cat is playing around, and it could accidentally go around their neck and strangle them. This could hurt or kill them. Pin the cords of your drapes up where your cat can't get to them.

TIP! You may want to have a microchip implanted in your cat. Your pet may be an indoor cat, but that doesn't mean it'll never dash through your door or slide outside via an open window.

Visit your local shelter if you're thinking about getting a cat. Many shelters are overcrowded with lovable and adoptable cats. When a cat is adopted from an animal shelter it saves its life and it helps control the cat population.

TIP! Do not isolate the litter box in a distant place. The box should be out of the high traffic areas and a good distance from where your cat eats.

You should take your cat to the vet on a regular basis to maintain optimum health. Your cat needs to get a checkup about once every year, or more if there are issues that come up. When the cat seems to be acting abnormally, take it to the vet immediately.

Litter Box

TIP! If you need cat medication, consider searching online instead of using your veterinarian in order to find a better deal. Sometimes you might not have time to wait for an online order to arrive however, such as if your cat needs an immediate antibiotic or emergency treatment.

The litter box for your cat needs to be positioned in the right place. A cat's litter box should be in a quiet spot in the house, away from where your cat eats. To minimize odors, keep it in a spot that's well ventilated. You and your cat will greatly appreciate this.

TIP! Use a tablecloth underneath your cat's dish. Sometimes cats like to take food out of the bowl and eat it to the side of the bowl.

While usually cats make great pets for kids, younger kids may be too rough with them. Teach your kids the right way to hold a cat. Show them to pick up kitty gently and the types of activities which are appropriate. Cats have weaker bones than dogs and need more gentle treatment.

TIP! You should give your cat at least three weeks to grow used to the presence of a new animal. They may be leery of each other at first and fight.

If your cat is excessively meowing, try to figure out why. By paying attention, you should eventually learn why your cat is meowing. She could be signaling that she is hungry, or she might want to go outside. By giving her the proper amount of attention you can better attend to her needs.

TIP! Make sure your cat gets plenty of opportunities to play. Play is important for all mammals, even people, regardless of their age.

Do you have a cat and a dog? A dog may enjoy eating your cat's food when he has the chance to do so. This is why it is necessary to have two separate feeding areas. Separate eating spaces are a must to avoid fights between your pets.

TIP! If you have a female cat that is in the process of giving birth, make sure you provide her a spacious area. The birth of the kittens will take approximately four hours, so use a little patience.

Give your cat a wide array of foods in order to prevent pickiness. If you feed them the same thing day in and day out, it will be the only thing that they are able to eat later on down the road.

TIP! Certain foods may be fine for you to eat daily, but not for your cat. Refrain from serving onions or garlic, as these foods are too strong for your cat.

Don't buy cheap cat food. Ensure that the food your cat eats is very high in protein. Some foods contain a lot of fillers like corn products, don't buy those. Since cats are carnivorous, they require animal protein to stay in the best health.

TIP! Don't ever declaw cats that go outdoors. The cat will have difficulty playing with other animals and may get hurt.

If your cat uses the bathroom more than normal, or if they suddenly stop using the litter box, think about taking them to the veterinarian. This sort of behavior can be caused by urinary tract infections or other, more serious medical issues in your cat. Certain antibiotics prescribed by your vet can clear up the problem.

TIP! Make sure that your cat is not alone if you adopted one. It can be a good idea to get a companion cat to keep yours company when you are at work.

Prior to adopting any long-haired cat, make sure you understand the extra work involved. Shedding is a major issue that you will have to face. Don't get such a cat unless you are prepared for the extra commitment they take over regular cats. Also, give them the right food which is anti-hairball.

TIP! Dry food is best for adult cats. Kittens need some wet food because they have very small teeth.

Your cat should stay inside most of the time, and when it's outside, you should ensure it remains close to home. Free-ranging cats who spend most of their time outdoors have a shorter lifespan than those that are raised and accustomed to indoor living. You should go outside with your cat every day to play and exercise.

TIP! Avoid overfeeding your cat. Many health issues can arise from doing so.

If your cat gets hairballs often and you have been brushing her regularly, there are other things that may help. Adding in just 1 teaspoon of pumpkin mixed in with their food bowl can help with prevention. You can also mix in a little water from a tuna can with the pumpkin. There are cat foods that have anti-hairball components in them, like extra fiber, that can help.

TIP! Cats can get the same sorts of illnesses humans get. You should be able to recognize when your cat does not feel well.

Feed your cat as much dry food as you can. Kittens need wet food, though. Hard, dry food is best for grown-up cats because it helps keep their teeth healthy and strong. Dry and wet food can be mixed if you have a picky cat.

TIP! Even if your cat stays inside full time, a tagged collar is a good idea. Cats are intelligent creatures and will use any opportunity to wander outside.

The tips in this article will help you to take care of your cat, even if you can't please him. Use this article to ensure that you are fulfilling your cat's most basic needs, as well as its need for love. Maybe your cat will even show his appreciation by being nice. It's possible but not a given.

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