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Cat Care Made Simple With These Tips.

TIP! Keep your cat groomed. Brush your cat's fur often to help it be shiny and healthy.

Cat ownership can be joyful and rewarding. You also have to realize that having your own cat is hard work. You need to know what you're getting into. Thankfully, the following article will tell you all you need to know. Keep reading to learn all you can.

TIP! Check-ups are an absolute must for any pet cat. Understand that cats require vaccinations in order to stay healthy, and the veterinarian needs to regularly check for any health problems.

Prevent your cat from getting zapped by coating exposed wires with bitter apple. Keep your cords covered if you feel like your cat is hellbent on chewing them. You can bundle loose cords together and place them inside paper towel rolls. If you have electrical cords laying out that are not being used, put them away as cats can play with them and then move on to live electrical cords.

TIP! Cats enjoy finding small spaces to fit into. They can get caught or stuck if they happen to be wearing a collar.

Keeping cats from a counter really can be tough. Cats naturally love heights so they can easily see everyone and everything. You can remedy this by creating some place up high that you can can enjoy hanging out in. A cat tower near your kitchen can give them a place to watch you that is out of the way.

TIP! Avoid using dog products on cats. Products designed for dogs or other animals could cause a negative reaction from your cat.

Think about having a microchip inserted in your cat. Even an indoor cat can get the urge to run out of a door or leap through a window. Collars and tags can help get your cat home, however cats are experts at wiggling out of these, not to mention the risk they pose if they were to get snagged on a bush or tree branch. A microchip about as big as a grain of rice and holds all the contact information your cat needs. The chip will never be lost because it is under the skin and it can easily be read by any shelter or vet.

Cat Needs

TIP! Cat's claws can really put a dent in your furniture. If you find your cat shredding your furniture, consider purchasing a scratching post or cat tower.

Your cat needs attention and a lot of affection. They want warm companionship since that's what they provide to you. Your cat needs to socialize and get plenty of attention from everyone in your family. A cat can feel that he is a valuable, cherished part of their household.

TIP! Keeping your cat off of the counter can be difficult. Cats like to be up high, where they can watch everything going on.

If you're taking kitty on a road trip, don't play loud music. You may like music loud and booming, but a cat will prefer lower volumes as their ears are more sensitive. Try turning down your tunes or keeping it off to make your cat's trip better.

Drinking Fountain

TIP! Never let a cat become bored. Play and exercise are both important for cats' well-being.

Give your cat a water fountain. Cats like running water in the wild, as well as in the home. The drinking fountain will look more inviting than a water bowl. Actually, certain cats like to drink right from the sink faucet as it runs. Also, a cat drinking fountain is better for the environment and allows them to be more natural.

TIP! When your cat accompanies you on a trip, remember to consider the health of their ears. You might love blasting your favorite music while driving, but they enjoy softer sounds.

Your cat should always wear a collar and ID tag. This is essential, even for indoor pets. Cats love to explore, and if they see an opportunity to go outside, they will take it. Include your contact number along with the name of your veterinarian. Also make sure to note any unusual medical requirements.

TIP! Make a tablecloth that your cat can use. Some cats prefer removing their food from the bowl and eating it on the side.

Is there cat hair everywhere? You have to brush your cat to avoid their shedding. If your cat sheds a lot, brush it a lot. Frequent brushing or combing keeps the cat from getting a tangled, matted coat.

TIP! If you get a cat for your kids, make sure to set clear boundaries in advance. Make sure that you let your kids know which areas of the house the cat will be allowed in.

Do your best to keep your cat as healthy as possible and take it to the vet regularly. Immunizations can prevent your cat from attaining viruses or diseases. Your cat is part of your family, and you should treat him as you would any other well-loved member of your household.

TIP! Talk to others when you have a problem with your cat. Although you may feel like you don't need help, other owners may be able to give you good advice.

Don't ever give your cat medicine created for humans. If health problems arise, take your cat to a vet. Providing your cat with a human medication can seriously harm them, and it just might kill them.

TIP! Try moving your litter box somewhere else if the cat won't use it. A cat will be more inclined to use the litter box if it is placed in a quiet and safe area in your home.

Cats will smell changes around their home. This may cause issues if they have a new bed, scratching post, or food dish. Don't fret if your cat doesn't use the items right away. Your cat is going to like them more as they acquire your home's smell.

TIP! Any chemicals that have phenol should be kept away from your cat. Pine-Sol and Lysol contain this ingredient.

Be on the lookout for panting. Panting is normal behavior for a dog, but that is not always the case for cats. While excessive panting may be a symptom of anxiety, it may also be a symptom of something more serious. It is wise to consult your vet, especially if the cat has past respiratory problems.

TIP! If you can, keep your cat inside and close to you. Indoor cats typically live longer than those who live outside.

Preventing hairballs can help keep your cat sanitary and safe. Mix in pumpkin (a teaspoon's worth) into the cat's food. Another thing that works is a one teaspoon of the water that's in a tuna can mixed with the pumpkin. Some cat foods even have anti-hairball benefits.

TIP! Always keep your declawed cat indoors. Without claws, your cat is essentially defenseless against other animals.

Did you obtain cat when you did not have a job and you are now returning to work? If so, then your cat is very likely to get bored and lonely. One tried-and-true way to keep a cat from getting lonely is to pair it up with another cat.

TIP! If you have been at home with your cat for an extended period and then return to work, it is quite possible that your cat will show signs of loneliness. It can be a good idea to get a companion cat to keep yours company when you are at work.

If possible, have your cat eat dry food. When cats are kittens they need wet food because their teeth are so small. As they grow older, dry foods ensure that their teeth are strong. A picky cat might like dry and wet food mixed together.

TIP! Vet visits are unavoidable, but the bills can be very expensive. You can save plenty of money by buying cat medication online.

As this article has told you before, there is a lot to gain in owning a cat. But good care is key to enabling your cat to maximize the duration of its life. If the thought of having a cat has crossed your mind, use the given information.

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