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Some Advice For A Healthy Domestic Feline.

A cat that is healthy and happy boosts any family. These tips will help you and your cat.

TIP! You can keep your cat away from electrical cords by spraying them with some bitter apple. If your cat happens to be a champion cord-chewer, you'll need to use cord covers to protect your cords.

Check out your local animal shelter if you have plans to get a cat. Shelters always have tons of cats and adoption fee will generally cover necessary vet care. Adopting from a pet shelter benefits the cat this way helps to save their life and cut down on unwanted animal births.

TIP! Cats are usually more active during the night. They get very active at night.

You should always bring your cat for regular vet check-ups. Cats require special shots and overall health. Try to stay with one vet during the same veterinarian throughout your pet's life. This is because this person will know your cat's history.

TIP! Cats spend lots of time grooming themselves. In long-haired cats, hairballs can result from excess grooming.

Even if you have an indoor female cat, if she escapes while she is in heat you might end up with a lot of kittens on your hands. The best method of stopping this is to have your cat from pregnancy is to get her spayed.

TIP! Remember that very young children can be a bit too rough with a cat or new kitten. Teach your kids the right way to hold a cat.

The cat's litter box for your cat needs to be kept in a good place. Don't put it where the cat can't reach it or in an area that gets too much traffic. Also be sure the area is well ventilated so the smell doesn't linger. Your cat will appreciate it and you will too.

TIP! Don't try to show your feline how to go in the litter box. Cats instinctively understand what to do and teaching is not required.

Be sure you show your cat affection as much as possible. Cats need just as much companionship as they offer to humans. They also like feeling important and a wanted part of the family.

Create a little tablecloth for the feline. Cats sometimes pluck food outside of their bowl. This leaves food outside its bowl that must be cleaned.

TIP! Think about getting a drinking fountain for your cat. Cats like running water in the wild, as well as in the home.

Try to figure out why the cat is purring. After living with your cat for long, you are sure to figure out its meowing patterns. By listening to your cat, you'll understand it more.

TIP! Don't bring home a cat with long hair without taking into account the extra care they'll require. Although it may look nice, it will look much worse when it sheds all over your home.

Think hard before allowing your cat go outdoors.This can be very unsafe for your cat in an unsafe position. Your cat could get fleas or something even worse than that. Your cat may be targeted by another animal, people and vehicles. If your cat must go outside, then do so in the fenced backyard.

Litter Box

TIP! Phenol is a dangerous chemical to use around your cat. Phenol is typically found in cleaning products such as Pine-Sol and Lysol.

You should not train your cats for litter box.This is something that comes naturally and it usually is not learned. Don't force your cat into the litter box or face in it.

TIP! Pet cats should not be allowed to spend time outdoors or away from its home for long periods of time. Cats that stay inside have been shown to live much longer than the ones that are allowed to roam your neighborhood.

Consider getting your cat a special drinking fountain. Cats seem to like a water stream. You have perhaps noticed that a dripping sink faucet quickly attracts their attention. A fountain will allow your cat to drink.

TIP! You should not let your de-clawed cat outdoors. The cat will be unable to defend itself against other cats or animals, risking injury or even death.

Canned food is usually the best option for cats. Dry food can be less costly, but canned food provides more benefits. This will make it easier for old cat. Speak with a vet, but food in cans tends to be better.

TIP! If you have been at home with your cat for an extended period and then return to work, it is quite possible that your cat will show signs of loneliness. To help avoid boredom, consider bringing another cat into the household.

Are you getting overwhelmed by cat hair? Cats are known for shedding, so it is important to brush them often. If your cat is a big shedder, you probably need to brush it more often. This will ensure your cat's coat nice and not matted.

TIP! If you are concerned that your cat might be exposed to things such as fungus, fleas or rabies, you should keep him inside. Indoor cats almost never get these ailments.

If you have a pregnant cat ready to birth her babies, make sure she has plenty of room to give birth. The process generally takes about three hours, so try to be patient. If it drags on for six to eight hours, an immediate visit to the veterinary hospital is essential.

TIP! It is always important to make sure to get your cat neutered or spayed as early as your vet will allow you to. Cats are natural explorers and love to look around and check things out.

Try relocating your cat's litter box somewhere else if it's refusing to use it.A cat knows that when it's going to the bathroom it's in a vulnerable situation, so try putting his litter box in a safe, secure location.

Your cat should be kept inside whenever it can be near your home. Indoor cats live longer than others allowed to walk around the outdoor variety.

TIP! You can protect your cat from running away by using a microchip. If they are taken to a shelter or vet, they'll know you're the owner and contact you.

If your cat has frequent hairballs, and brushing doesn't seem to be helping to lessen them, these handy tips may help. Mix one teaspoon of pumpkin into the cat's regular food. You can also mix one teaspoon of tuna water in with the pumpkin to see if that helps. Some cat foods include hairball fighting elements, such as fiber, that prevent hairballs.

TIP! Houseplants can be extremely tempting to indoor cats. A poisonous plant can be disastrous.

Dry food is a good choice for adult cats. Kittens need wet food since they have very small teeth. As kittens get their adult teeth, the harder texture of dry food keeps their teeth strong.

TIP! Don't let your cat bite feet or hit at people. It's not cute and can lead to worse behavior.

Cats can contract many illnesses just like you do. You should be able to tell if your cat does not feel well. The vet can rule out any serious conditions.

Outdoor Cats

TIP! Cat's can often cause allergies, even within people that have never had them before. If you are picking out a cat, do your best to select one that won't ignite a storm of sneezing.

Think about restricting your cat just be indoors. Outdoor cats are less friendly to humans and are more likely to catch many diseases. Some diseases that outdoor cats acquire can also be passed along to members of the household. Make sure an indoor cat has a location to sit in sunlight.

Don't let your cat get into the habit of swatting people or swat at humans. Teach them this from happening later on.

TIP! Check your cats breath on occasion as it may be a sign of a medical issue that needs to be checked by a vet. The solution may be to have a professional clean your cat's teeth.

Don't force your cat a vegetable only diet. Even if you live a vegetarian lifestyle, cats need to it live. Taurine, which is something in animal proteins, helps keep your cat from becoming blind and suffering heart issues. Ensure your cat has enough meat to keep it healthy.

TIP! Pay attention to the ears of your cat. Use at least one day out of the month to examine their ears.

Many people don't realize they are allergic to cats. Some breeds of cats trigger less likely to agitate such allergies.A better choice would be a light colored female or a Siberian.


Be sure you provide your cat has consistent access to fresh water consistently. While it doesn't seem like cats consume that much water daily, it still needs fresh water so that it can be safe when it's drinking it. Clean your cat's water bowl everyday and make sure your cat can easily access it.


It's very rewarding to own a cat, though it's not always easy. You need to get to know your cat better so you can focus on the kind of attention it needs the most. Sounds of contentment are bound to arise more often.

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