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New Cat In The House? These Tips Can Help!

TIP! You should always bring your cat to a vet to make sure everything is okay. Cats require special shots to prevent illness and the vet can check their overall health.

Cats are fascinating animals and loving pets to have. Their inclination toward independence is ideal for busy schedule. The tips below will teach you what you need to know to take good care of your cat is as happy as it can be.

TIP! Cats like to get into all sorts of small spaces. If they have a collar, this can be a safety issue if they get stuck.

Make sure your cat has a collar if outside.Cats can go far from your home and without a tag they could become lost forever. The tag should contain your name and number where you can be reached.

Create a tablecloth for your cats can use. Cats often like to remove food from their bowls to eat on the side. This can result in a big clean-up.

Cats love to be high spots. You can even lay down a blanket on the shelf to make your cat feel more comfortable.

TIP! The correct location is important when picking a spot for a cat's litter box. Never put the box near your cat's food, and pick a quiet place away from areas that are heavily used.

You can tap fellow cat owners for advice if you're having problems with your cat. Although you may feel like you don't need help, it can be helpful to seek advice from other people that have experience owning cats.

Litter Box

You shouldn't be training your cats for litter box. This comes naturally and is not learned. Don't force them into the litter box or face in it.

TIP! Give your cat a good brushing regularly. This will spread a cat's oils from their fur and help blood flow from within their skin.

You should never punish your cat if they do their business outside of their litter box. If this happens, it's probably because their litter box is not properly cared for. Punishing your cat will only make him afraid of you or their litter box.

TIP! Never punish a cat for a mess outside of its box. If this happens, it may be because you have not kept the box as clean as you should.

Take the time to make your cat familiar and comfortable with a car carrier. Cats just don't react to punishment like dogs do. Encouragement is a better strategy. Place a blanket or favorite toy inside the carrier and let it stay open near the cat's usual haunts. The cat will eventually get into it and feel safe when it enters this carrier after a while. This will make getting the cat in its carrier.

Play is essential element of a cat's life. Take the time to have a little fun with your cat.

TIP! While a torn up scratching post might look unattractive, do not get rid of it. When it is in this condition, cats tend to like it the most.

Think about extra care before you take home a cat into your home. The hair may be a gorgeous thing to behold, except when it's all over your furniture. Don't adopt a cat unless you can handle the extra commitment they take over regular cats. Long-haired cats are also often have hairballs.

TIP! When you bring a second cat into your home, allow a few weeks for the two to adjust to each other. They will probably hide from each other, hiss or even attack each other.

You should never give a cat use meds that were designed for people. If your cat has any health problems, you need to take him to the vet to get proper treatment. Giving cats medication meant for humans is very dangerous and could even be fatal.

TIP! Is your cat peeing all the time, sometimes in places that it shouldn't? If so, you should talk to your veterinarian. Many cats develop these behaviors in response to a health problem, such as urinary tract infections.

If hairballs are a problem that brushing won't solve, keep reading for some great tips that can help you out. Mix in a few pinches of pumpkin into your cats' food. You might even want to try to add a teaspoon of tuna packing water to mix with your pumpkin. There are cat foods that have anti-hairball components in them, like extra fiber, that may solve the problem.

TIP! Play is an essential element of a cat's daily life. Playing is a very common activity shared by most animals.

Eating a lot more than normal amount can lead to your cat becoming obese and developing a serious health problems or become obese. Monitor the portion sizes of your cat's meals, and be sure he is getting a well balanced diet.

TIP! Where did you put the litter box? You are surely tempted to put it where the smell will affect your surroundings the least. The litter box needs to be placed in a spot that your cat can reach very easily.

Cats can contract many illnesses just like you do. You need to pay attention to your cat isn't at 100 percent. Your vet will be able to notice the signs of serious conditions.

TIP! Some foods that you enjoy as a human aren't any good for your cat. These include garlic, grapes, green tomatoes and onions.

Be wary of any small spaces around your house that you do not want to keep your cat out of. Cats are able to fit through gaps that are very small gaps. This is particularly true of kittens. You should consider this when introducing a new cat to your home. Repair or cover any holes.

TIP! Cats get sick from many of the same things as humans. Pay attention to changes in your cat's mood and behavior as they may be a sign your cat is feeling poorly.

Consider leaving your cat an indoor-only friend. Outdoor cats usually have shorter life expectancy and can catch many diseases. Some diseases can even be passed to human family members. Let your cat have a place where it can look out a window so that they can get the feeling of light; this will help satisfy his or her outdoor needs.

TIP! Never offer table scraps to your cat. Cats need special food of their own, which contain certain vital nutrients specifically beneficial to cats.

You cat should wear a collar with tags on all the time. Cats are very resourceful and like to try to escape whenever the chance. If your cat gets lost, it'll be easy for anyone who finds it outside to bring it back to you.

TIP! Vet bills for your cat can be pretty costly over time. You can save yourself some money by ordering your cats medications online.

The most responsible thing a cat owner can do is to neuter or spay it. Cats are very curious. Even cats can attempt to get outside. Your cat might get pregnant if you let them escape for a short period of time.Thousands of cats and kittens are put down every year due to overpopulation.

TIP! Some cat owners may wish to keep their cat well groomed and bathe them to keep them cleaner. This definitely isn't a fun task, so you'll be pleased to know it generally is not necessary except in unusual circumstances.

There are so many reasons why people love to keep cats as pets. Without learning about the sort of care your pet requires, though, there's no way you can be a truly responsible cat owner. Use the information you have learned in this article as a guide to communicating better with your cat. As a result, your cat will live a happier, healthier life.

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