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Cat Raising Tips, From Kitten To Adulthood

There are some unexpected obstacles that arise when you will face with a cat.You should not adopt a cat until you avoid mistakes.

Keep your drapery cords away from your cats. This could cause injury or even kill them. Make sure that the cords are kept back to avoid this.

TIP! Be certain your cat has regular vet visits. They need a check-up one time a year, or more if they require certain shots.

Even if she is an inside cat, if it escapes when it's in heat it could get you a bunch of kittens you weren't planning on having. Spaying your cat is the best way to prevent this.

TIP! Make sure you purchase medicines and treatments specifically for cats. This can irritate your cat or cause an allergic reaction.

Don't try using dog products on your cat. Cats often have severe negative reactions to a product that is formulated for a dog. Flea products for dogs are one of the worst products to give a prime example.Your cat may die if you use dog flea product on it.

Your home furnishings and belongings can easily be ruined by a cat's claws. It doesn't happen overnight but with some patience, but eventually it should stop the problem.

TIP! Anytime you travel with a cat, their ears should be monitored. Although you may love singing loudly to your favorite songs while driving, your cat would probably prefer softer sounds.

Keeping your cat off of the counter can be tough. Cats enjoy high places so they can see what is happening around the house. You can try to combat this problem by making high places for your cat to hang out.

Cats are nocturnal in their habits. The result is that cats prefer to be more active while you're sleeping.This will prevent them from pouncing on you and awakening you.

TIP! Don't let your cat outside. It might not be safe for your cat to go outdoors.

Create a little tablecloth just for your cat. Cats will sometimes like to eat food from the bowl and enjoy it straight off the ground. This means food spillage that you will have to clean up.

Make sure that you play time is an important part of your cat as often as possible. Take time to play and have a little fun with your cat.

TIP! Reduce the chances of raising a finicky cat by feeding them several brands of food while they are young. When you give the same thing day after day, it becomes boring.

Be aware of your cat stopping their litter box. There are many health conditions that can cause your cat to use the restroom in places other than their box. A variety of infections and kidney disease can cause your cat's behavior. Speak with your vet if you have a cat that has these issues.

TIP! Purchase a drinking fountain for your cat. In the wild, cats prefer running water to drink from, and they do in the home as well.

Dogs will often wag their tails to show their owners that they're excited to see them. Cats wag their tails for very different reason. A cat that is flicking its tail when it is upset. If a cat you are holding starts flicking his tail, put him down to be sure you are not scratched or swatted.

Green Tomatoes

TIP! Does it seem like your cat's hairs are everywhere you look? When a cat sheds a lot, brushing is very important. If your cat sheds, it's important to brush then frequently.

Some foods are not good for your cat. Some of these foods are green tomatoes, grapes, garlic and green tomatoes. These foods will cause indigestion or much worse for your cat very ill. Milk also upset your cats' stomach.

TIP! Carefully consider where you will place your friend's litter box. Although you may want to have the litter box hidden in a place where you won't smell it, your cat's needs should be before your wants.

Don't send a cat outdoors for long periods of time. The cat won't be able to fight back if other animals and that could get it hurt or killed. Indoor cats are the only ones that you should be considered for declawing. Even in the case of indoor cats, you should only have the front claws removed. The back claws are left because these won't scratch furniture or floors.

TIP! If you decide to declaw your cat, never allow it to go outside. Without claws, the cat cannot defend against other animals, which can lead to real issues.

Do not give human medications intended for humans. If you cat suffers from health issues, you need to take him to the vet to get proper treatment. Giving your cat your medication can cause serious harm.

Cats are able to smell changes around their home. Don't get discouraged if you find that your cat doesn't use the items right away.

TIP! Even if your cat stays inside full time, a tagged collar is a good idea. If it ever finds a way outside, you will be happy you did.

If you want to do your best to keep your cat free from ticks, fleas or rabies, you should keep him inside. While it is possible for a home bound cat to catch some of these diseases, they are more likely to experience this issues if they spend a lot of time outside.

TIP! While the holidays might seem like a nice time to gift a pet to a child, they are quite hectic and sometimes not great for spending a lot of time getting to know a new furry friend. Let your child select their next pet in the store.

The excellent advice provided here is helpful for any cat regardless of its breed or age. These are key concepts you must know when raising a cat, but each person will make individual variations based on tastes and needs. The best thing to do is keep having fun with your kitten.

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