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New Cat? Try Using These Helpful Tips

TIP! Make sure your cat sees a vet regularly to maintain their good health. They need a check-up one time a year, or more if they require certain shots.

Much like humans, cats need a good diet consisting of foods that will give them the proper amount of nutrients. Cats suffer when their owners do not follow proper dietary recommendations or give the cat proper attention. Learn more about caring for your cat by reading the following article.

TIP! Spray electrical cords with some bitter apple to prevent cats from getting electrocuted. If this does not work, make sure you cover the cords.

You must always take your cat for regular vet check-ups. Your cat should have regular well visits, as well as all the recommended vaccinations for his age. If you find a vet you are comfortable with, use them for the duration of your cat's life. This will ensure they know the history of your cat well.

TIP! It can be tricky to keep a cat off the kitchen counters. Cats enjoy heights, as they can monitor events from their perch.

Cats love to squeeze into tiny spots. Collars can be a safety risk if your kitty gets stuck. The advantage to a breakaway type collar is that if enough pressure is put on it, it will just let go rather than strangle the cat. Your cat can preserve a few of his nine lives with this.

TIP! Microchip your cat. Your pet may be an indoor cat, but that doesn't mean it'll never dash through your door or slide outside via an open window.

Heated tiles are great to put under a cat bed, especially for the comfort of aging felines. Bake a one-foot tile made from terra cotta in the oven at 200 degrees F for around 15 to 20 minutes. Wrap the tile inside an unneeded towel and place it under your kitty's favorite resting spot. If you want, you can change it for a newly warmed tile a few hours later.

TIP! You may get much better prices on medications online. There may be times when you cannot purchase medication online, such as in an emergency; however, monthly medication, such as flea medicine, can be bought online.

Be cautious about using canine products on your feline friend. Cats will react very negatively to any products intended for dogs. This warning applies to products for getting rid of fleas. Some products designed for dogs could be harmful to your cat. Keep them separated by at least one door for a few hours after treatment.

TIP! Speak to your peers about your cat issues. It can really help to get advice from fellow cat owners.

Kitty claws can be quite destructive to fabric and furnishings. If your kitty is doing this, one way to redirect his behavior is to purchase a scratching post or cat tower. Teach your cat to scratch this instead of the legs of a couch or sofa. Eventually it will cause you less of a headache.

TIP! Long haired cats take extra grooming time, so think about that before choosing one. Silky, long hair can be stunning, but that fur won't look as pretty when it's on your sofa, clothes, and carpet.

Many times, cat meds can be purchased on the internet for less than they'd cost if you got them from your vet. There are some times when this isn't a good idea, like when you're dealing with a pet related emergency. But, if your cat is on a regular medication, you can save quite a bit by buying it online.

TIP! Does it seem like your cat's hairs are everywhere you look? You have to brush your cat to avoid their shedding. If your cat sheds often, you will need to brush him more often.

Brush your cat's coat often. This will spread all of their natural oils around and help their blood flow. Furthermore, it helps reduce all the loose hair. Doing so reduces the occurrence of hairballs, which are a choking risk. It also benefits the cat's stomach by reducing the animal's need to clean itself.

TIP! You should worry if your cat is no longer using its litter box. When cats are suffering from something, they may end up going to the restroom randomly outside of their box.

Train your cat to tolerate a pet carrier. You cannot punish a cat the same way you would a dog. Most of the time, it is better to use positive reinforcement. Place the open carrier in an area that your cat visits often and outfit it with a favorite toy and blanket. The cat will enter it on its own. As the cat becomes used to being in the carrier, it will become easier to transport them in it.

Scratching Post

TIP! Cats have shockingly sharp noses, which means they can spot changes in their home with ease. This can lead to issues when you introduce something new, such as a new toy, bed, or food dish.

Don't throw away your cat's old scratching post. The cats loves it the most in this condition. Your cat might not want to use the new scratching post and start ruining your furniture instead.

TIP! Keep an eye out for panting. Panting is a normal thing in dogs.

Use canned food for your cat. Yes, dry food is cheaper, but canned food really has a lot more benefits. It has water content, which is good for cats with bladder issues. This food is easier to chew for old cat. Be sure to ask your vet about your pet's food; however, canned food is usually the best for your cat.

TIP! If your cat has frequent hairballs, and extra brushing hasn't helped, here are some other tips that may help. Use pumpkin in your cat's food to help with digestion.

Carefully consider where you will locate your cats' litter box. It might be tempting to have it in a hidden area where you can't see it or smell it. Make sure your cat can easily reach the litter box at all times. Cats are quite finicky, so it is important to make their bathroom environment appealing them them or risk messes throughout the house. Instead of just keeping the box on cold cement, add a rug or mat beneath it.

Litter Box

TIP! If you worry about your cat getting rabies, fleas or getting exposure to fungus, don't allow them to go outside. Even though a cat can still get those conditions from being indoors, outside is where it is most likely to occur.

Take note if the cat ceases using its litter box. Lots of cat conditions will make it difficult for a cat to defecate or urinate in their litter box. A UTI or kidney infection may be the reason for its bathroom problems. If your pet stops using the litter box then see your veterinarian.

TIP! Investigate for spaces you don't want your cat getting into. Cats are able to squeeze into tiny gaps.

Dogs wag their tails frequently when they are happy or excited to see their owners. Cats wag their tails for very different reasons than dogs though. Tail wagging in a cat usually means he is thinking of attacking or running away. If you notice you cat begin to wag his tail when you are holding him, put him down to be sure you are not scratched or swatted.

TIP! Some cat owners are tempted to bathe their cats to keep them clean and well-groomed. Fortunately, you don't have to bathe your feline very often.

Avoid any products containing phenol around your cats. Phenol is found in common products such as Pine-Sol, Lysol, and various other cleaners. The smell is pretty offensive to cats, and prolonged exposure can lead to liver damage.

Indoor Cats

TIP! Even if your cat seems to stay near your home, a person, bad weather, a dog or some other animal could scare them off at any time. This means your cat needs to be microchipped.

Never have a declawed cat to spend time outdoors. Cats without claws cannot stand up for themselves if they encounter another animal. The result could be injuries or death. Indoor cats are the only ones that should be de-clawed. With indoor cats, just remove the front claws. Leaving the back claws is no problem since they won't scratch your furniture or floors.

TIP! Many cats just can't pass up a house plant. This can give you many headaches; this is especially true if your plant is poisonous.

A healthy diet is vital when it comes to your cat's health. Keep a close watch on what your cat is consuming, as it is extremely important to monitor their diet with the right foods, otherwise you run the risk of harming your cat. Do right by your cat and make sure it has a healthy diet.

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