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Cat Owners Should Have These Great Tips!

TIP! It's crucial that your pet gets checkups from your vet regularly. They should get their vaccinations and have a full check up.

Lightning reflexes, soft purring and quick wits. All these things you get as a cat owner. They can be a tricky pet, which means this article is for you. This article is filled with useful tips every cat owner should know about. Now, read on!

TIP! Heated tiles are great to put under a cat bed, especially for the comfort of aging felines. Heat a fabric covered heating pad in the microwave for a couple of minutes, making sure that is not too hot to the touch.

Put a collar on any cats which go outside. This way, if your cat gets lost and is found by a stranger, that person will know how to contact you. The tag should contain at least the cat's name and your contact information.

TIP! Avoid the chance that your male cat will develop crystals in his system that will come out in his urine by feeding a high quality diet. These are very painful and expensive to treat.

Deter cats from shocking themselves on electrical wires by spraying them with bitter apple. Keep your cords covered if you feel like your cat is hellbent on chewing them. An inexpensive way to hide electrical cords is to thread them through used paper towel rolls. Personal electronic devices should be stored when not needed to keep their cords out of reach.

TIP! Though a veterinarian will almost always have a supply of medications that your cat needs, it can be more cost-effective to purchase them from online venues. In an emergency, however, this might not be possible.

If your cat is traveling with you, remember their ears. While you may like some good tunes, your cat is going to appreciate other things. To ensure your cat's trip is pleasant, turn off the music or keep the volume low.

TIP! Create a tablecloth just for your cat. Cats will sometimes pluck food from the bowl and enjoy it straight off the ground.

There needs to be set boundaries with your children and a new kitty. Let your children know what rooms you will allow the cat to go into. If you want your cat to stay indoors, then the children must understand the seriousness of never letting it out. This will ensure nothing bad happens.

TIP! You should try your hardest to figure out the reason that you are hearing your cat meow. After you have lived with your cat for a while, you will come to know what she wants by her meow.

Speak with other cat owners about any issues you may be having. You can often get great advice from friends and family. You can locate forums about cats online if you search for them. On these forums you can ask for advice, or you can just speak with a vet.

TIP! Feed your cat a few different varieties of food. This can help him not get too finicky.

A battered appearance isn't a good reason to discard a beloved cat condo or scratching post. Your cat will enjoy the post most when it has been well used. Cats may well try scratching something else entirely (like your furniture!) if you replace their beloved toy with something unfamiliar.

TIP! Think about the extra work before buying a long-haired cat. All that hair will be literally everywhere.

Give high quality canned food to your pet cat. Although dry food is usually less expensive, canned food is better for your cat. They have more water, protein and fat too. Canned food is much easier to chew for older cats. Discuss this with your vet, who may tell you to feed your cat canned food.

TIP! Your cat's choice to potty outside the litter box could signal something more worrisome than misbehavior. Health problems may be causing your cat to urinate in places other than their litter box.

Ensure your cat is collared and wears an identification tag. Even if it's an indoor cat, this is important. Cats love to explore, and if they see an opportunity to go outside, they will take it. Tags should include contact information for you and your vet. This is particularly important if you have a cat with medical needs.

Litter Box

TIP! Chemicals containing phenol shouldn't be anywhere near your cat. Lysol and Pine-Sol are two examples of products that contain this chemical.

If you notice that your cat has stopped using its litter box, you'll want to contact your vet. When cats are suffering from something, they may end up going to the restroom randomly outside of their box. If your cat is not using the litter, kidney or bladder problems and infections may be the problem. Therefore, whenever you notice your cat not using its litter box, call your veterinarian.

TIP! If you decide to declaw your cat, never allow it to go outside. The cat is defenseless against other animals, which may lead to injury or possibly death.

Your cat should stay inside most of the time, and when it's outside, you should ensure it remains close to home. Cats who stay inside for most of their lives have a much better life span and are less likely to get diseases and parasites. If you want to give your indoor cat some outdoor time, exercise with them. That way, your cat gets some fresh air, sunshine and outdoor scenery without the risks of free-roamers.

TIP! It is crucial that you never make the mistake of giving your cat any medications that are meant for human use. If health problems arise, take your cat to a vet.

If your cat has frequent hairballs, and extra brushing hasn't helped, here are some other tips that may help. You can try adding a teaspoon or so of pumpkin to your cat's food. Try also mixing in some water from tuna with the pumpkin. There are cat foods that have anti-hairball components in them, like extra fiber, that can help.

TIP! Cats are able to smell very well and will notice changes to their environment. This can cause problems when making changes in diet and surroundings.

This article gives you many different techniques to use with your cat. Use the tips above to help you be a good cat owner. A well-cared for cat is much happier where you can both can enjoy a better relationship. Use these tips to see for yourself.

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