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Tops Tips About Cats That Anyone Can Follow

TIP! Don't give a cat a dog's product. Cats are known to have severe negative reactions when exposed to products designed for dogs.

Cats are great to have around your house because of a few reasons. Cats are often the unsung heroes of a house but people sometimes don't recognize how well they can hunt.

Keep your drapery cords out of the reach of your cats. This could seriously injure or kill them. Pin and hide drape cords to avoid this type of issue.

Make sure that your cat is always groomed. Cats should have regular basis.This will keep them maintain a clean and aesthetically pleasing. It will also limit shedding and hairballs.

TIP! The cat's litter box should be placed in the right spot. A cat's litter box should be in a quiet spot in the house, away from where your cat eats.

Don't try using dog products for your cat. Cats often have severe negative reactions when exposed to products designed for dogs. Flea products are one of the worst products to give a great example of this. Your cat may die if you use a dog flea product on it.

TIP! A tablecloth should be made for your cats. Cats often like to remove food from their bowl to eat it off to the side.

Make sure your cat has a collar if outside.Cats can go far from home and the tag they could become lost forever. The tag should contain your name and the number for contact purposes.

TIP! Try to figure out the cause if you find your cat meowing excessively. If you have spent any significant amount of time around your cat, you will quickly find you can figure out what he wants when he cries.

Do not allow your cat to stay bored frequently.Cats should have a lot of exercise and play.Bored cats can develop depression and mental disorders that may negatively impact their health. Give them room to play and a wide selections of toys. Indoor cats will be happier if you provide them with climbing resources and practical things such as scratching post.

TIP! Cats enjoy high places. A cat will only be happy if you give it a safe spot to look over everything.

Put your cats' litter box in an ideal location.Don't put it close to your cat's food or near their food.Also be sure that the area is well ventilated to keep the smell to a minimum. Your cat is certain to appreciate it.

TIP! If your cat's scratching post looks old and worn, don't throw it away immediately. This is the condition that cats like the most.

Give your cat lots of love and affection. They want the same level of companionship since that's what they provide to you. They should feel like a big member of the family.

TIP! Plan on spending the money for good cat food that contains the nutrients that your cat needs. Look at the ingredients and make sure protein like fish, chicken, or beef is near the top.

Make a good tablecloth for your kitten. Cats sometimes pluck food outside of their bowl. This means food on the floor outside their bowl that you will have to clean later.

TIP! Ensure your cat is collared and wears an identification tag. This is even true for indoor cats.

Think twice before letting your cat go outdoors. This can put your cat's safety. Your cat may get fleas or even worse parasites. Your cat might be injured by people, or get injured by a vehicle or another person. If your cat has to be outside, make sure it's a small area like your lawn or backyard.

TIP! Getting a second cat is usually beneficial to both, but you have to give the two cats a few weeks to get acclimated to each other. They might have conflict, hide from each other or swat one another.

Do you own a dog and dog? Dogs love to eat cat food right up. This makes it a good idea to have two separate feeding areas. This also has the effect of stopping fights over the water when their food is gone.

TIP! Your kitty's litter box should be strategically placed. Many cat owners feel inclined to hide the litter box.

Do not punish your cat if it makes a mess outside its litter box. If your cat makes a mess, it may be because you have not kept the box as clean as you should.Punishing your cat may cause him afraid of you or their litter box.

TIP! Put a collar your cat with your contact information on it. Even a cat you plan to keep indoors can sometimes get out or get lost.

Don't throw away your cat's scratching post. This is the condition that cats most prefer it. If you throw it away, that cat may look to your furniture for some clawing while it slowly breaks in a new scratching post.

TIP! Some food you eat isn't good to feed your cat. Some of these include onions, grapes, garlic and green tomatoes.

Canned food is usually the best option for cats. Dry food is usually cheaper, but canned food provides more benefits. It's also much easier for older cats to chew it as well. Speak with a vet, but food in cans tends to be better.

TIP! Do not let a declawed cat outside. The cat will have difficulty playing with other animals and may get hurt.

If you want to buy a second cat, give the cats a few weeks to get to know each other. They may still hiss and growl when they are in the time.

Litter Box

TIP! If you adopted a cat while you were unemployed and it is now time for you to return to work, your cat may get very lonely around the house. If this is proving to be a problem, consider getting another cat to keep them company while you're gone.

Pay attention if you cat won't use the litter box. There are a number of health conditions that can cause your kitty urinate and go to the bathroom in places other than the litter box. A urinary infection or a kidney disease can cause your cat to stay away from the box when they suddenly associate it with pain due to their medical condition. Speak with a veterinarian if your pet stops using the litter box.

TIP! Don't feed your cat too much since this may cause them to acquire health issues later on. Overeating can cause your cat to get very sick, in addition to becoming obese.

Dogs will often wag tails frequently when they are happy or excited to see their owners. Cats wag their tail for a different reasons than dogs though. A cat that is flicking its tail when it is upset. If while being held by you your cat's tail begins to wag, be prepared to loosen your grip!

TIP! Reconsider before you let your cat have table scraps as treats. Cats can't digest many human foods, and many are even dangerous to them.

If you have a cat with frequent hair ball problems, and extra brushing hasn't helped, then the following tips might help. Mix in a teaspoon full of pumpkin into your cats' food. You may also use some tuna packing water mixed together with your pumpkin.Some cat foods have components, generally extra fiber, which may resolve the problem.

TIP! Ensure you place a tag collar on your cat. Cats are intelligent creatures and will use any opportunity to wander outside.

If your schedule has changed recently, but are now heading back to work, your pet will probably have issues with loneliness. You can avoid both boredom and loneliness by getting another cat to keep it company when you are away.

TIP! Indoor cats will be attracted to the plants that you have in the house. This could be a huge issue, even more so if your plant is poisonous.

Eating a lot more than normal amount can cause them to develop serious health problems or become obese. Monitor your cat's meal portions, watching to see that they are well balanced meals.

Put tape on your furniture. This can deter your cat from scratching the material. You can even find tape in most pet stores.

Bad Weather

TIP! Don't ever leave kitty in a warm car. It can be very unsafe even if the windows are cracked.

Don't leave a cat outside if there is going to be bad weather.Bad weather includes times of extreme wind, as well as constant rain and windy periods. Cats are going to need a place to get away if there is bad weather and they may hide under vehicles or even in dangerous places.

TIP! Don't medicate a cat for any ailments they don't have. Some flea medications also treat parasites such as mites or other conditions your cat cannot get.

Though a dog is typically considered a better hunter, cats actually will go out of their way to track down small nuisances. Cats can provide your home with a peaceful serenity, which dogs rarely do. Use all the tips from your article and learn more about the different things you can do to properly care for your cat.

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