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How You Can Raise A Healthy Kitten

TIP! When looking for a new cat for your home, contact a local animal shelter. Sometimes, you may find the cat of your dreams at a shelter.

Cats are very pleasant and loving animals if you take good care for them properly. You have to learn more on how to give that cat to make sure it is safe and healthy. This article has lots of useful cat care information.

TIP! You should be bringing your cat to their vet for a check-up regularly. In addition to checking the health of your cat, a vet can give him any needed shots.

You need to take your cat to their vet for a check-up regularly. Cats need to get shots so they don't get sick and a vet can check their overall health. Try using the same veterinarian throughout your cat's life. This will be more knowledgeable on your pet's medical history.

TIP! You should not use products designed for other animals. Cats don't like dog products.

Cats like to get into all sorts of spaces. A breakaway collar has the ability to release its hold if your cat pulls on too tightly. This will allow your cat's life.

TIP! If you have an outdoor kitty, make sure to invest in a break away collar with an identification tag. Cats can range far from your home and the tag will help them find their way home.

Think about putting a microchip inserted in your feline friend.Even indoor cat may get out of your home at some point. Collars or tags can identify your cat, however cats are experts at wiggling out of these, not to mention the risk they pose if they were to get snagged on a bush or tree branch. Microchips are as small as a rice grain and have all your important contact information.

Cats are nocturnal in their habits. This means their behavior is quite active time for your cat. This will prevent them from pouncing on you and awakening you.

TIP! Your cat can take lots of time to groom themselves to what they consider "perfect." In long-haired cats, hairballs can result from excess grooming.

Cats sometimes will spend hours grooming themselves and their fur clean. Hairballs are more common for long-haired cats. There are special foods you can buy to try to help with this problem. Some food are produced specifically for hairball reduction, which will make life easier for your cat and you.

TIP! Crystals form in urine from male cats. This can be prevented with good food choices.

When you get a kitten for kids, make sure your kids know the rules in advance. Let your children know which rooms you will allow the cat can be in. Setting up rules in advance will ensure your children understand.

TIP! Though cats make great pets for kids, younger kids may be too rough with them. Teach your kids how to treat a cat.

Try to figure out the cause if you find your cat makes meowing sounds. After you have lived with your cat for a while, it's easier to interpret its meows. By listening to your cat, you'll understand it more.

Cats enjoy being in high up. You could even place a small bed or blanket on the top.

TIP! Try to figure out the cause if you find your cat meowing excessively. After a while, you'll start to recognize what some of the noises your cats makes mean.

You can tap fellow cat owners for advice if you're having problems with your cat. You may wish to deal with it alone, but other people that own cats could help.

TIP! Consider all the options before you let your cat be an outdoors cat. Being outside all the time is not safe for a cat.

Take time to train your cat familiar and comfortable with a car carrier. You cannot punish a cat the same way you train a dog.They respond better with encouragement. Place a beloved blanket or favorite toy inside the carrier to make your cat more acclimated to the cat's usual haunts. The cat will feel comfy.This will make getting the hassle out of traveling with your cat in its carrier.

TIP! Do you have dogs and cats? Understand that dogs will usually eat cat's food if they can. For this reason, you need to place your cat's bowl in an area that is to high for a dog to reach.

Make sure that your cat has a collar on with proper identification tags. This will be important even if you have an indoors pet. Cats are endlessly curious and may head out an open door or window is likely to be explored. This precaution is especially important if your cat has some medical condition.

TIP! Discuss any issues you have with your pet with others. Though you want to handle problems on your own, you may require advice from others who own cats.

Are you having a hard time getting overwhelmed with all the cat hair? Cats are shedding machines, so good grooming habits are a must. If your cat is shedding a lot, you definitely want to brush him often. This can also help their coat from becoming matted or matted.

TIP! Acclimate your cat to its carrier. Cats are not as responsive to punishment as dogs are.

Make sure that the cat's litter box. It's sometimes tempting to put the box somewhere that you don't have to smell or smelled. The cat must have easy access the box. If you have the box on a floor that is cold cement for example, put a mat beneath it to keep the box warm.

Litter Box

TIP! You should install a small drinking fountain for your cat. Wild cats like to drink flowing water, and domestic cats are the same.

Be aware whenever your cat stopping their litter box usage. There are conditions that will cause your cat to use the restroom in places other than their own litter box. A variety of infections and kidney disease can cause your cat to stay away from the reason for this. Speak with your vet if you have a cat that has these issues.

TIP! Ensure that your cat wears a collar and identification tags at all times. This will be important even if you have an indoor cat.

If your feline friend is having kittens, provide them an area that's spacious. The birth process can last up to four hours, so try to be patient. If you suspect that there are more kittens inside your cat and it has been six hours of labor or more, they need to see a vet immediately.

TIP! Move the litter box if your cat won't use it. Whenever a cat is using the restroom, it feels vulnerable; therefore, the litter box needs to be kept in a safe and quiet location.

Try relocating your cat's litter box if the cat won't use it. Cats know that during the elimination process they are left somewhat vulnerable, so moving the litter box to a less-trafficked area means your cat is more likely to use it.

TIP! Sometimes, foods are healthy for humans but not for cats. Garlic and onions are popular examples.

Dogs wag tails as a sign of friendly greeting or encouragement. Cats move their tail for a different reason. A cat that is flicking its tail when it is upset. If this happens while your cat is in your arms, you should put your cat down right away.

TIP! Feed your cat as much dry food as you can. Kittens need some wet food because they have very small teeth.

Don't ever give your cat medicine intended for humans. If you cat suffers from health issues, be sure and take them to a vet to get the proper medication. Giving your pet medication meant for humans is very dangerous and it may even cause death.

When properly cared for, cats are wonderful pets. Read this article as many times as needed. With proper care and attention, you will rear a loving and healthy cat.

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