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How To Take Care Of Your Pet Cat

TIP! Make sure you keep all the recommended appointments with your cat's veterinarian. Not only will a veterinarian give a general physical exam, he or she will also make sure they have necessary vaccinations.

Cats are often curious creatures. They can take you one day and that they love you the next. They are very perplexing animals; however, there are other times that you just love them to death. The following are terrific tips about life with this fuzzy companion.

TIP! You can make your old cat feel better thanks to a hot tile placed under its bed. Bake a one-foot tile made from terra cotta in the oven at 200 degrees F for around 15 to 20 minutes.

Make sure your cat is well groomed. Cats should have regular basis.Doing this frequently can help you keep their coat clean. It also helps to reduce their shedding and may cut down on hairballs.

TIP! You should take your cat to the vet on a regular basis to maintain optimum health. They should have a routine check-up once a year or more if important shots are due.

Cats really enjoy finding small spaces. A breakaway collar is a good option since it will literally "break away" if pulled too tight. This could save your cat if the collar gets caught in a tight spot.

TIP! Dog products shouldn't be used on cats. Products designed for dogs or other animals could cause a negative reaction from your cat.

Even if you own an indoor cat, if she escapes while she is in heat you might end up with a lot of kittens on your hands. Having your cat spayed helps to control the only way to 100 percent prevent accidental litters.

TIP! Cats love to play on kitchen counters, and it can be hard to break them of the habit. They love to be able to look around from up high.

Be certain your cat has regular checkups at the vet. Cats need routine annual check-ups and wellness checks just like people.Cats should see a vet right away if they are having any health problems or injuries needing treatment occur.

TIP! Your cat most likely spends quite a bit of time grooming. Your cat's long hair can cause hair balls.

Don't use dog portions for your cats ever. Cats will have negative towards a product made for dogs. This will especially be true of flea products. Your cat can die if you use a dog flea prevention items made for dogs.

TIP! Feeding your male cat the proper food can help prevent crystals from forming in his urine. A cat passing the crystals can be very hurtful with an expensive vet bill to boot.

A cat can do a lot of damage to your home and belongings. It doesn't happen overnight but with some patience, but eventually you will see that the damage to your furniture is diminished.

TIP! Put a cloth down in your cat's eating area. Cats sometimes like to eat food outside of their bowl.

Think about putting a microchip implanted in your cat. Even indoor cat can get the urge to run out sometimes. Collars or tags can identify your cat, however cats are experts at wiggling out of these, and they are also at risk of getting hung up on something. Microchips are tiny and have all of your contact information.

TIP! If your cat is excessively meowing, try to figure out why. Once you become familiar with your cat and its needs, it will become easier to determine what he needs when he meows.

Don't toss your cat's old scratching post. This is the condition that cats actually most appreciate. If you throw it away too soon, they may shun the new one and go after your carpet and furniture.

Cats are carnivores so it is important for them to get enough animal protein to stay healthy.

TIP! Don't get mad at your cat if it urinates outside the litter box. It might be happening because you aren't caring for the box good enough.

Canned food is an excellent choice for your cat.Dry food can be less costly, but some wet foods have more benefits. It's much softer on older teeth if your cat is getting up there in years. Speak with your veterinarian before making any major changes, however in general, canned cat food is better for your cat.

TIP! Your cat needs to always wear some tags on a collar. This is essential, even for indoor pets.

If you want to buy a second cat, give it a couple weeks for your old cat and your new cat to grow accustomed to each other. They may still hiss and growl when they are in the time.

TIP! Cats need to have play in their life. Playing is an activity that is very popular with mammals of any age, and this includes cats and people.

Are you getting rid of cat hair in your home?Cats do a lot of shedding, it is very important you brush them frequently. If your cat sheds a lot, you definitely want to brush him often. This will also help their coat nice and smooth.

TIP! Think about how much extra care is entailed in bringing a long-haired cat into your home. Cats are beautiful with hair that is long and silky.

If your cat is ready to give birth, create a spacious area in which she can do so. The process generally takes about three hours, so use a little patience. If your cat has still not given birth to all her kittens after six hours, take a trip to your vet.

Chemicals containing phenol in the should not be used around a cat.This chemical is often in Lysol and Lysol.

TIP! Make sure that your cat is eating dry food when possible. When cats are young they are going to have to have wet food due to having small teeth.

You should never give a cat use meds that were designed for humans. If you cat suffers from health issues, then you should take your cat to the vet. Giving cats medication meant for them can really hurt them or even kill them.

TIP! Try using sticky tape if you own a cat. Cats naturally like to claw things and often your furniture is what they use.

If you are lucky enough to have a cat that has a lot of hairballs, and extra grooming does not help, the following tips might be useful. Mix in pumpkin into the cat's food. You can also mix one teaspoon of tuna water mixed together with the pumpkin. Some cat foods also contain a component for anti-hairballs, such as fiber, which may resolve the problem.

TIP! Don't let your cat go outside if there is going to be bad weather. That means wind, cold temperatures and heavy rains.

Be on the lookout for any small holes in your home that you want to keep your cat to crawl into. Cats are able to fit into small gaps that are tiny. This is very true for kittens. Be especially careful about this when you are bringing a cat into the home. Make sure to cover any holes that you locate.

TIP! Houseplants can be an alluring treat to an indoor cat. There are issues with this, especially if your plant is poisonous.

You can save yourself some money by ordering them online. Some places will deliver medications to your door on a monthly basis. This can be great if you have to get heart worm pills or flea treatments.

TIP! A new cat can set off allergic reactions, even in those who haven't experienced an adverse reaction to cats before. If you are picking out a cat, do your best to select one that won't ignite a storm of sneezing.

Think about keeping your cat inside the house. Outdoor cats are known to have a shorter life expectancy and they come in contact with diseases. Some of these diseases can be transmitted to humans. Let your indoor cat rest in a place where it can look out a window so that they can get the feeling of the outdoors from an indoor location.

Don't let your pet swat at people as they pass. Teach them while they're kittens since they will not be quite set in their own ways yet.

TIP! Cats either love or hate grooming. If your cat is one of them, you should break things up over the course of several days.

If your cat is older in age, you may need to talk to your vet about changing the animal's diet. The nutritional needs of your cat will change quite a bit as they get older. Age related health issues are likely to appear between the ages of 7 and 12.This is when it is necessary to alter their diet for longer life.

TIP! If you are planning an extended stay away from home, you probably won't want to leave your cat there unattended. Nonetheless, many boarding services are costly, and finding an honest, experienced cat sitter can be a challenge.

Cats are puzzling, but they are also very rewarding. Use the advice you have just read to give your cat the care it deserves. A cat is a companion that anyone can enjoy, and taking good care of them is a fine way to repay them for how much they enrich your life.

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