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How To Keep Your Cat Healthy And Happy

TIP! You should make sure your cat stays groomed properly. Cats require frequent brushing or combing.

Cats are amazing animals and traits. Cats are definitely a very common house pets and are in the streets when active. It can be hard learning to live outdoors with a cat for the first time. These smart and feisty creatures can be hardheaded and often require special care.

TIP! Cats love to get into tight, small spaces. Collars can be a safety risk if your kitty gets stuck.

Keep your drape cords out of the reach of your cat.This could seriously injure or possibly kill them. Pin back drape cords of your drapes up where your cat can't get to them.

TIP! Use bitter apple on your electric cords to keep your kitty away from them. If this does not work, make sure you cover the cords.

Check your shelter before you are thinking about getting a cat. Shelters have a lot of cats in them and adoption fees are usually very affordable. Adopting a pet shelter benefits the cat this way helps to save their life and cut down on unwanted animal births.

TIP! The litter box for your cat needs to be positioned in the right place. It shouldn't be put in an area with high traffic and should be far from their food.

You should always take your cat for regular vet to make sure everything is okay. Cats need to get shots to prevent illness and the vet can help you make sure your cat is okay. Try to stay with one vet during the life of your pet. This one vet knows your cat's history.

Your cat can wreck havoc on your furniture with its claws. It may take some time, but the problem should eventually stop.

TIP! Be considerate of your cat's preferences while traveling. Cats tend to prefer gentle sounds during the day.

It may prove quite a challenge to make your cat off counter tops.Cats enjoy high places so they can see what is happening around the house. You can try to combat this tendency a bit by designating some high-up places for your cat to hang out.

TIP! Cats are great family pets, but small children might be too rough. Tell them how to be gentle.

Your cat most likely spends quite a lot of time grooming. Hairballs are very common in long-haired cats.There is a special food on the market that does help out with this particular problem. Some food are produced specifically for hairball reduction, which is good for both you and your pet.

TIP! Make sure your kids know the rules before kitty comes home. Let your kids know where the cat can go.

Create a little tablecloth just for your cat. Some cats prefer to remove their food from the bowl and eating it on the side. This creates extra work since you must then clean later.

TIP! Do you have both a cat and dog? Dogs love to eat cat food! If you're having a problem with this, make your cat's eating area high enough that your dog cannot reach. This will also prevent squabbles between them.

Be very careful if you leave a kitten with a kitten. Children under five years old should not be alone with a pet. They don't know what harm they can pose for the kitten.As children grow, you will be able to decide when it is the right time for them to handle a cat or kitten without supervision.

TIP! Although you might find its appearance unappealing, don't toss a scratching post when it's getting particular worn and frazzled. This is the time when your cats actually most prefer it.

Brush your cat on a regular times. This helps spread out the fur and the skin. It also get rid of hair they have. This helps keep those hairballs which can be harmful to a cat and build up in your cat's stomach.

TIP! Frequent or misdirected urination may warrant a trip to your vet's office. Cats can show this behavior if they have a type of urinary tract infection or other health issue.

If adding an additional cat to your home, give it a couple weeks for your old cat and your new cat to grow accustomed to each other. They may be leery of each other at first and growl when they are in the same room together.

Litter Box

TIP! Give the cat a collar with your contact information. Even if your cat lives in the house, he could always get out.

Think carefully about where you put the litter box. It's sometimes tempting to put the box somewhere that you don't have to smell or smelled. The thing to remember is that your cat must have easy access the box. If you keep the litter box on a cold cement floor, you may want to put a rug underneath of the box.

TIP! Don't use chemicals near your cat that have phenol. This chemical is often found in cleaning products such as Pine-Sol and Lysol.

Dogs will wag their tails often to show their happiness or excitement. Cats wag their tails for a very different reasons than dogs though. A cat that is flicking its tail when it is upset. If your cat wags his tail while you're holding him, then it is time to put him down.

Chemicals that have phenol shouldn't be anywhere near your cat. This chemical is often found in Lysol and Lysol.

TIP! Feed dry food to your cat. Kittens have small teeth so they need soft food.

Don't let your declawed cat that's had its claws removed go outside. The cat won't be able to fight back if other animals attack it and may get hurt. Indoor cats are the only ones who should declaw. Even then, you will only want to get the claws up front removed. Don't cut the back claws as cats need them to stay balanced.

TIP! There are many dangers, such as fleas, rabies or fungus, that you should consider before you let your cat outside. Indoor cats almost never get these ailments.

You should never let your cat with something that is for humans. If your cat has any health problems, see a vet and give them what they provide. Giving cats human medications can cause serious harm.

Cats are able to smell and notice changes to their environment.Don't be discouraged if your cat does not take to these items immediately.

TIP! The most responsible thing a cat owner can do is to neuter or spay the animal. Cats are full of curiosity.

Eating a lot more than normal can lead to your cat becoming obese and developing a serious health problems or become obese. Monitor your cat's meal portions, watching to see that they are well balanced meals.

TIP! When you look for cat food, go in knowing good and bad ingredients. Read all labels carefully.

The most responsible thing for your cat is to neuter or spay the animal. Cats are naturally very curious animals. Even indoor cat will try to get out. Your cat might get pregnant if you let them escape for a short period of time.Thousands of cats are euthanized every year due to overpopulation.

You can protect your cat. There are websites that you can use to track your pet when they become lost.

Read cat food labels, and don't buy anything with fillers, or chemical preservatives. A food rich in protein as the way to go.

Many people don't realize they are allergic to cats. Some breeds of cats are less allergies than others. A better choice would be a female or a Siberian.

TIP! If the temperature is warm, never keep your cat unattended in the vehicle. Opening the windows a bit is not really helpful.

Eventually, you'll get the hang of outsmarting your cat. Before long, your cat will be behaving like an angel. Though they aren't as easily trained and programmed as a dog is, most cats are actually well-trained, well-mannered pets that behave their owners.

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