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Check Here For Excellent Tips About Cats

TIP! Be cautious about using canine products on your feline friend. This can irritate your cat or cause an allergic reaction.

Many people brag that cats make unrivaled pets. Cats are lots of fun, and they also rid the house of mice and similar pests. Having a cat can help you make sure rodents don't enter your home.

TIP! Some cats like to scratch up floors and furniture. If your beloved feline friend is shredding and damaging parts of your home, try investing in a cat tower or a scratching post.

Don't leave drape cords near your cats. If your cat plays with looped drape cords, they could get caught around its neck, which presents a suffocation hazard. It may actually cause them some serious harm. Make sure drapery cords are kept back to avoid this.

TIP! A microchip will allow you to find your pet if it is lost. Even indoor cats can decide to run away at a moment's notice, escaping through an open window.

A heated tile can be positioned beneath the bed of a mature cat. A terra cotta tile about a foot square is ideal. You can warm it with a 15-20 minute stop in your oven, set to approximately 200 degrees. Wrap it up in a towel and place it under where your cat sleeps. Switch towels every few hours if you need to.

TIP! You might find that your cat sleeps all day and wants to be active at night. In other words, they'll be up and about late into the night.

You can keep your cat away from electrical cords by spraying them with some bitter apple. If this does not work, make sure you cover the cords. The tube from a used-up roll of paper towels makes an excellent shield for loose cords. Personal electronic devices should be stored when not needed to keep their cords out of reach.

TIP! Be sure you think about your cat's ears when traveling. You may like music loud and booming, but a cat will prefer lower volumes as their ears are more sensitive.

Have your cat chipped so you can find him if he runs away. Even cats who live completely indoors may someday decide to bolt out the door or escape out of a window. A tagged collar might help get kitty home, but it can just as easily come off if snagged on a branch. Microchips are as small as a rice grain and have all of your important contact information. Most vets and animal shelters will have a microchip scanner and because it's under the animal's skin it can never become lost.

TIP! While cats are good pets for children generally, smaller children may treat them too roughly. Make sure that you teach your children the proper way to handle a kitten or cat.

Cats will be up during the night more often than not. The result is that cats prefer to be more active during the night. If your cats are busy keeping you awake early, just close your bedroom door. You won't be able to hear their sounds as they walk around in the middle of the night.

TIP! Make sure your kids know the rules before kitty comes home. Make sure the children know where the cat is and is not allowed to roam.

It's often cheaper to buy medicine for your cat on the Internet instead of through your vet. In some cases you may not be able to buy online, in the case of emergencies, for instance. If you are buying cat medicine often, you can usually save up to 50% online.

TIP! Don't teach the basics of using a litter box. This is a natural instinct that cannot be taught.

Your cat has sensitive ears, especially in the car when they're stressed out. You and your cat probably have different ideas about the ideal volume for the car stereo, for instance: Remember that your cat's hearing is more sensitive than yours. Keep your music off, and talk to your cat instead.

TIP! Cats may make a small mess outside their litter box. Your cat probably did not use the litter box because it is not well taken care of.

Brush your pet often. It really helps move natural oils around the cat's fur, and it improves blood flow. It will also minimize hair loss. This avoids the hairball problem, which may lead to choking and a buildup of hair in the stomach.

TIP! It would be a good idea for your cat to get used to a pet carrier. Cats never respond to punishment the way that dogs do.

Feed your cat high-quality cat food. Your cat needs a lot of protein from meat, so read the labels before you choose a food. Look for foods that do not have corn or elements that aren't protein. Cats are carnivores and need animal protein to stay healthy.

TIP! If you wish to add another cat to your home, give it a couple weeks for your old cat and your new cat to grow accustomed to each other. They may seem like they're fighting all the time.

Feed canned food to your cat. Yes, dry food is cheaper, but canned food really has a lot more benefits. Canned food will give your cat more water, fat and protein. Aging cats will find it easier to chew. Speak with the vet, but food in cans tends to be better.

TIP! Dogs will often wag their tails to show their happiness or excitement. A cat may look like it is wagging its tail, but it is completely different than what a dog does.

A long-haired cat comes with a great deal of extra care. There is no denying that long-haired cats are beautiful, but that beautiful coat takes a lot of work and also means a lot of shedding. Don't adopt a cat with long fur unless you're sure you can handle the extra cleaning. They can also have more health issues due to hairballs.

TIP! Don't ever declaw cats that go outdoors. Your cat may be seriously injured or killed because they are not prepared to defend themselves against another animal who may attack them.

A cat may not be just like a dog, but they are a great addition to a family. Cats are great hunters and can make kills more frequently than dogs at times. Use all the tips from your article and learn more about the different things you can do to properly care for your cat.

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