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Cat Care Made Easy: Tips And Advice For Cat Owners

TIP! You should get your cat a tagged collar, even if it is not legally required. This way, if your cat gets lost and is found by a stranger, that person will know how to contact you.

There are a variety of important responsibilities that any cat owners must understand. This article has tips from the pros you can't care for a cat owner should know. Keep reading and discover valuable tips on caring for your pet ownership experience.

TIP! Spray electrical cords with some bitter apple to prevent cats from getting electrocuted. If they like to chew on cords, try covering them as much as you can.

Ensure that you groom your cat remains groomed.Cats have to be brushed or combed on a regular combings. Doing it constantly can help them keep their coat clean. It also helps to reduce their shedding and may cut down on hairballs.

TIP! Make sure that you never neglect your cat. Your cat will enjoy your company if you pet and play with her.

You may not think it's necessary if you have an indoor cat, but she could still slip outside and become pregnant. Having your cat spayed helps to control the only way to 100 percent prevent accidental litters.

Give your cat plenty of attention and affection. They want warm companionship that they provide to you. They wish to be a valued family member as well.

TIP! If your cat is excessively meowing, try to figure out why. After a while, you'll start to recognize what some of the noises your cats makes mean.

Avoid bladder crystals and stones by feeding high quality diet. Passing stones or crystals hurts and can cost you a ton in vet bill to have this corrected is expensive. Choose foods low in magnesium food. Be sure to read the label. Products that contain fish are normally much higher in magnesium usually when compared to products with poultry.

TIP! If your thinking about allowing your cat to go outside, you may want to reconsider. There are many dangers to your cat outside.

You may be able to find a better prices on medications online. There are some times when this isn't a good idea, such as in an emergency.But for routine medication purchases, you can save 50% or more on some medicines by buying online.

TIP! Be cautious when leaving a kitten with children. A cat should not be left alone with a child under five years of age.

Create a tablecloth for your cats can use. Some cats prefer removing their food from the dish and eating it on the side. This may make a big mess that you will end up with cat food on the floor to clean up.

TIP! Treat your cat to a good quality cat food. Read the ingredients, and make sure a source of protein, like fish or chicken, is near the top.

Don't toss an old scratching post. This is the condition that cats most prefer it. If you throw it away, your pet might seek out something a little more worn to scratch - like your furniture.

Litter Box

TIP! It is important for a cat to have play time. Many animals like to play, and that includes humans and cats.

Pay attention if your cat won't use the litter box. There are many health conditions that can lead a well-trained cat to use the restroom in places other than their own litter box. A urinary infection or a kidney disease can cause your cat's behavior. Speak with a veterinarian if your pet stops using the litter box.

Try moving your cat's litter box if it's refusing to use it. Cats feel vulnerable when relieving themselves, so moving the box to a more private area should help.

TIP! If your cat's about to have kittens, create a spacious area in which she can do so. It can take several hours for the process to unfold and all kittens to be born, so be prepared to spend some time with your cat.

Some food you enjoy as a human aren't any good to feed your cat. Some of these foods include garlic, grapes, onions and garlic. These foods will cause indigestion or much worse for your cat very ill. Milk also end up giving your cat an upset stomach.

Chemicals that have phenol shouldn't be anywhere near your cat. This chemical is often found in cleaning products such as Pine-Sol and certain other regular household cleaners.

TIP! Are hairballs posing a serious problem for your cat, and additional brushing does not help to reduce them? Add one teaspoon of pumpkin to your cat's food. Another thing that works is a one teaspoon of the water that's in a tuna can mixed with the pumpkin.

You should never let your cat with something that is for people. If your cat is suffering from a medical condition, you must take it to the vet. Giving the cat your medication that wasn't meant for them can really hurt them or even kill them.

TIP! If your cat was adopted while you were not working, your cat will get lonely when you go back to work. Get another cat if you would like to be certain your cat isn't bored.

Eating a lot more than normal amount can cause them to develop serious health problems or become obese. Monitor your cat's meal portions, watching to see that they are well balanced meals.

TIP! Cats share a lot of diseases with humans. Since your furry friend is part of the family, you should be aware when something is wrong with his health.

Try using sticky tape if your cat decides to scratch it. This will prevent your cat from scratching the upholstery. You can find special tape specifically designed for this use in most pet stores.

Cats can get some illnesses humans get. You need to pay attention to your cat isn't at 100 percent. The veterinarian can then rule out any serious conditions.

TIP! Some cat owners may wish to keep their cat well groomed and bathe them to keep them cleaner. However, bathing a cat is usually not necessary, unless he has had a mishap, or gets overly dirty.

If you worry about your cat getting rabies, rabies or animal bites, do not allow him to go outside. While it is true that even an indoor cat can contract illnesses, the chances are increasingly significantly when a cat spends a good amount of time outdoors.

TIP! Spaying or neutering your cat is usually the best decision you can make regarding his reproductive health. Cats are curious by nature.

Make sure to give your cat is treated with flea and tick medicine. There are drops you use monthly that will easily take care of the problem. These medicines help to keep parasites off of your companion and possibly cause disease. Make sure to get a brand specifically for use on cats in order to keep him safe.

TIP! If your cat is older, your vet may be able to suggest a new food. The nutritional needs of your cat will change as they age.

Your cat may not like it if you bring another pet home. Let your cat get used to the new animal smells like. After a while, introduce the new animal to your cat.

TIP! A grooming session can be traumatizing for a cat. If this is your cat, you can actually do the grooming over different days.

The best thing a cat owner can do is to neuter or spay the animal. Cats are very curious by nature. Even cats can attempt to get outside. Your cats can get pregnant if it manages to go outside. Thousands of cats are put to sleep yearly due to overpopulation.

You can protect your cat. There are websites that you can use to track your pet when they become lost.

Read labels and don't buy any with corn fillers, chemical preservatives, and unspecified meat products. A food rich in protein as the main ingredient.

TIP! Put some mineral oil in your cat's eyes during a bath. This will keep soap from getting into their eyes.

Many people are allergic to cats until they get one.Some breeds of cats trigger less likely to agitate such allergies.A better choice would be a light colored female cat or a Siberian.

TIP! Pay attention to the ears of your cat. Inspect the inside of their ears at least once a month.

Don't be tempted to throw away that old scratching post just yet. Although it may look unattractive, your cat is much more likely to prefer their old post to a brand new one. Your cat might actually start using your furniture if their old post is thrown out. You might consider adding new rope to the post instead.


As you've read, owning a cat can be a great benefit. However, you must properly care for your cat in order for both of you to be happy. If the thought of having a cat has crossed your mind, use the given information.

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