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Cat Advice Every Cat Owner Should Read

TIP! Your cat needs to be groomed properly. Cats need to be combed or brushed regularly.

Most people experience some things they do not think about when they get a lot of unplanned obstacles shortly after adopting their first cat. Never purchase a cat before you are prepared to be responsible.

TIP! You must always take your cat for regular vet check-ups. They should get their vaccinations and have a full check up.

You should always take your cat to a vet check-ups. Cats need yearly shots to prevent illness and overall health. Try keeping the same veterinarian throughout your cat's life. This person will be more knowledgeable on your cat's unique health needs and personality.

TIP! If your cat is older or sick, a heating pad may provide comfort. Simply heat a terra-cotta tile in a 200 degree oven for 20 minutes.

Even if she stays inside all the time, you need to spay her because she could get out. The best method of stopping this is to have your cat from pregnancy is to get her spayed.

TIP! Consider having your cat fitted with a microchip. One day, your indoor cat might leave through an open door or get outside through an open window.

Make sure your cat has a collar and tag if it goes outside. Cats can go far from home and the tag they could become lost forever. The tag should contain your phone number where you can be reached.

TIP! Normally cats are nocturnal animals. Do not be surprised if your cat is very active at night.

Think about having a microchip in your cat. Even an indoor cats get out of your home. Collars or tags can identify your cat, however cats are experts at wiggling out of these, not to mention the risk they pose if they were to get snagged on a bush or tree branch. Microchips are as tiny and contain all your contact information.

Cats are frequently nocturnal creatures. This means that they will be the most active during the night. This can keep the blankets.

TIP! Do you have a cat and a dog? That dog will really love stalking (and eating) that cat food. This is why it is necessary to have two separate feeding areas.

Avoid the chance that your male cat will develop crystals in his system that will come out in his urine by feeding high quality diet. Passing those crystals hurts and can cost you a vet is expensive. Your cat's food low in magnesium. Be sure to read the label. Poultry products are typically lower amounts than fish products.

TIP! Never make the mistake of leaving a kitten in a room alone with small children. Children under 5 years of age should not be alone with the pet.

Do not discipline your cat if it makes a mess outside of the litter box. If your cat makes a mess, it may be because you have not kept the box as clean as you should.Punishing the cat will just make them afraid to be around you later on.

TIP! If your cat relieves itself away from its litter box, do not spring into action with punishment. Many times, this is caused by failure to properly clean or place the litter box.

Your cat needs to always wear a collar. This is essential even if you have an indoor cats. Cats are curious and they may escape out of a door or a window. This is also important if your pet is likely to get lost or has special medical needs.

TIP! Get your feline acclimated to its carrier. Cats do not respond in the same way dogs do to punishment.

Frequent or misdirected urination outside the litter box may warrant a trip to your vet's office. Cats can show this if they have a urinary infection or other health issue. A course of antibiotics can head off dangerous complications if you get your cat diagnosed and treated early enough.

TIP! Take your cat for checkups and vaccinations on a regular basis to keep him healthy and strong. Your cat needs to get some shots regularly to prevent different illnesses and parasites.

Dogs will wag tails frequently when they are happy or excited to see their owners. Cats wag their tail for very different reason. A cat that is flicking its tail when it is upset. If kitty starts wagging his tail while you're holding him, you should put your cat down right away.

Even an indoor cat may get out. If your cat does get out, you will have a better chance of getting your cat back home.

Your cat should be kept inside whenever it can be near your home. Cats trained to live indoors live longer according to certain studies.

TIP! If your cat has been declawed, outdoors should be off-limits. They can't defend themselves against other animals and cats, which can risk injuries or death.

Don't let your declawed cat that's had its claws removed go outside. The cat won't be able to fight back if other animals attack it and that could get hurt. Indoor cats are the only type of cat that should ever be declawed. Even so, only their front claws should be removed. The back claws should remain as they will not scratch your furniture or floors.

TIP! Cats have an extremely sensitive sense of smell which makes it difficult to change anything in their environment without their knowing about it. For example, your cat will instantly detect a new scratching post, bed, food dish, etc.

Eating over the normal amount can lead to your cat becoming obese and developing a serious illness. Be careful to feed your cat the proper portion amount, but that they are also eating appropriate proportions.

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TIP! Vet bills for your cat can be pretty costly over time. A money-saving tip is to order medications through online sources.

Cats can contract many illnesses you can. You should be able to tell if your cat isn't at 100 percent. The vet will be able to make sure that your cat isn't seriously ill.

TIP! Think about restricting your cat to only indoors. Cats left outside have significantly lower lifespans, and are susceptible to many diseases and parasites.

Reconsider before you let your cat table scraps. The additives in human food is cooked and the ingredients involved makes for it not agree with your cats' digestive system. Cat food, and if you are doing what the food's directions say to do, then they should be fine.

TIP! Your cat may not like it if you add another pet to your family. To reduce the drama, separate the new animal from your cat.

You can save plenty of money on medications by filling your cat's prescriptions online. Some companies will deliver directly to your home. This can be convenient and cheap if you have to get heart worm pills or flea treatments that your cat has to take every month.

TIP! Although it may seem like a good idea to give your children a new pet during the holidays, this may not be a good idea because it's a very hectic time. Rather, it makes more sense to take the youngster to select the pet.

Think about restricting your cat inside all the time. Outdoor cats usually have shorter lives and can catch diseases. Some of these diseases can be spread to humans. Let your cat rest in a place where it can look out a window so that they can get the feeling of the outdoors from an indoor location.

TIP! Cats cannot be vegan. While you may avoid meat, a cat who doesn't eat meat can't be healthy.

You may think that bathing your cat a bath will improve the condition of its fur. This definitely isn't a fun task, though. Cats groom and clean themselves everyday; the day with their tongues. Cats have been known to be a bit particular about the way they look.

TIP! Ensure fresh water is always available to your cat. While it might not seem like your cat drinks a lot of water on a daily basis, it is essential that it is always available for your cat's health and well being.

Don't give your cat to become vegetarian. Even though you may not believe in it or eat it yourself, remember that cats need meat in their diet. Taurine is found in animal protein, and your cat can go blind or develop heart problems without it. Ensure your cat has enough meat to keep it healthy.

TIP! Responsible cat owners must cat-proof their house. Cats are curious and have a tendency to get into a little bit of trouble sometimes.

The tips you just read over can help any cat owner, no matter what their cat's breed is. There are certain common problems that arise when raising a kitten, but some cats will exhibit unique problems. Remember to have plenty of fun and give your cat plenty of love and attention.

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