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Care Tips For The Cat Lover

TIP! Check-ups are an absolute must for any pet cat. The vet will be able to provide your cat with needed vaccinations and any medications it requires.

Cats are both incredible and incredibly finicky. Some need special diets, and that is only the beginning. The information below will help you raise a happy and healthy feline friend.

TIP! If you'd like to make an elderly cat's bed more comfy, stick a heated tile beneath its bed. Simply heat a single foot cotta tile at 200 degrees between 15 and 20 minutes.

If you have drape cords in your home, keep them away from your cats. If the cat becomes caught in a loop, they could choke to death. It may actually cause them some serious harm. Therefore, ensure that drape cords are pinned away from your cat's reach.

TIP! Make sure you purchase medicines and treatments specifically for cats. Cats don't like dog products.

Check-ups are an absolute must for any pet cat. Cats require special shots to prevent illness and the vet can check their overall health. Your cat will be more comfortable if you continue using the same vet. They will understand your cat and its issues better this way.

TIP! A tagged collar is essential if you let your cat outside regularly. If your cat gets lost during its time outdoors, a tag makes it easier to locate the animal.

Enticing kitty to stay off the kitchen counter is sometimes challenging. They love being above everything so that they can watch it all. You can get your cat to quit doing this if you make areas that it can climb up to. If you place a cat tower around the kitchen area, they may be less likely to lay on your counters.

TIP! It can be hard to stop your cat from coming on your counters. After all, cats prefer to stay high so that they can keep an eye out on everything.

Cats are usually more active during the night. This means that they will usually be quite active at night. Shut the door to your bedroom. This helps to muffle the sounds of nighttime play. This will keep them from attacking your toes.

TIP! Do not allow your cat to be bored frequently. Your cat needs plenty of exercise.

You should create a tablecloth for the cats in your home. Cats will sometimes pluck food from the bowl and enjoy it straight off the ground. This can really make a mess, and you might have to spend significant time cleaning around your cat's food bowl. Use a placemat under your cat's bowl or cut some fabric to create a small tablecloth. Shake the placemat or cloth over the garbage regularly.

TIP! Most cats are very nocturnal. It is likely that they will want to play while you are sleeping.

Making sure your cat is taken care of can be easy if you know what you're doing and if the animal behaves right off the bat. But, you have to remember that most cats won't be that easy to take care of. Use the advice you've been given to make sure you're a good cat owner. The time that you spent reading this article will be worth it.

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