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Basic Cat Tips You Can Put Into Practice Today

TIP! A heated tile for underneath your cat's bed can provide real comfort. Bake a one-foot tile made from terra cotta in the oven at 200 degrees F for around 15 to 20 minutes.

Although cats make great pets, they can be expensive. Food, medical expenses, litter and toys can really add up. Here are a few ways that you can still keep your cat and save money while caring for them.

TIP! Enticing kitty to stay off the kitchen counter is sometimes challenging. A cat will naturally want to be high enough to view everything around them.

Avoid using dog products on cats. Cats can have strong negative reactions to a product that is formulated for a dog. This particularly applies to flea products. When used on your cat, flea products for dogs can be lethal. You should keep your cats and dogs separated after using a flea treatment.

TIP! Your kitty's litter box requires strategic placement. Never put the box near your cat's food, and pick a quiet place away from areas that are heavily used.

Don't let your cat get frequently bored. Cats need play and exercise. Unfortunately, lots of people who own cats neglect this. A lack of stimulation can lead to psychological or medical problems for your cat, including depression, compulsive disorders, and chronic misbehavior. Provide them with space to exercise and lots of toys to play with. If you have an indoor cat, provide a kitty gym for them to climb on or a scratching post.

TIP! Be considerate of your cat's preferences while traveling. You may be tempted to blast your favorite songs at top volume.

If you have to travel with a cat you should remember their ears. You might love blasting your favorite music while driving, but they enjoy softer sounds. So, keep your volume down, or turn it off to give your cat a better travel experience.

TIP! Watch kittens around kids. If the child is younger than 5, don't leave them alone with a kitten.

If your cat constantly meows, you need to try to figure out why. After living with your cat for long, it's easier to interpret its meows. It could be she's hungry or needs to go outside. You should pay attention to these cues and you will eventually learn to decipher them.

TIP! Canned food is usually the best option for your cat. Dry food is less expensive, but canned food provides more benefits.

Do you own both a dog and a cat? Dogs often take advantage of dining on the cat's food. This is why it's important that the cat's feeding area is in a spot that's too high for a dog to get to. This will prevent the two from fighting over the water when the food dishes are empty.

TIP! There is a lot of responsibility involved with a long-haired cat. The hair looks good, except when it's all over your furniture.

Talk to people you know about any cat problems you're having. Although you may want to go it alone, it can be helpful to seek advice from other people that have experience owning cats. You can find online cat forums to ask questions, or you can speak with your vet.

Litter Box

TIP! Dogs will wag their tails often to show their owners that they're excited to see them. Cats, however, move their tails or sway it side to side for totally different reasons.

It's important to let your cat see where you place the litter box, but it's not always a good idea to force your cat to learn how to use it. Using the litter box is instinctual for cats, and they require no training. You may have heard that rubbing your cat;s paws in litter will help them learn, but that may have a traumatizing effect.

TIP! Some food you eat isn't good to feed your cat. Garlic and onions are popular examples.

Feed your cat quality cat food. Scrutinize the ingredients closely, and make sure that quality protein sources like chicken, fish and beef are first on the list. Avoid foods like corn or other items without protein. Cats are carnivores and their diet should reflect that.

Drinking Fountain

TIP! Your cat should remain indoors and near your home. Indoor cats live longer and have less illness and pests than outdoor cats.

Purchase a drinking fountain for your cat. Cats normally look to drink from running water. This is true in the wild or at home. Cats react better to a moving water stream. Actually, you will see many cats prefer running tap water from the sink instead of the water bowl. A drinking fountain provides a more natural and environmentally friendly way for your cat to drink.

TIP! Do not give human medications to cats. If the cat is sick, you must take it to the vet.

Canned food is usually the best option for your cat. Even though the dry versions can be more cost-effective, canned cat food usually is more beneficial. Canned foods are also richer in fat, proteins and will help hydrate your cat. It's much easier for older cats to chew it as well. Speak with your veterinarian before making any major changes, however in general, canned food is better for your cat.

TIP! Pay attention to panting from your cat. Understand that dogs panting is normal; however, this is not the case for cats.

Cats, like all pets, can be expensive. There are a lot of responsibilities that you will have. Now that you read this article, you know what it takes to properly care for your feline.

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